In previous post, I showed how to break Caesar cipher with Z3. This wasn't really all that exciting as Caesar cipher has only 26 possibilities, so...
Z3 is usually given a list of hard constraints, and told to solve them, but it can do quite a few more things. Let's use it unconventionally and break...
Browser get new APIs all the time, one of such APIs is Web Speech Synthesis. Let's explore it with Svelte. Getting Started with the API The entry...
ClickHouse is a column-oriented database system with SQL-like interface. Its main selling point is high performance when handling enormous datasets in...
PyScript lets you run Python directly in the browser. I tried PyScript once before, but back then it didn't even run. Fortunately it got over this...
Node has the least stable ecosystem of all the commonly used languages. With Ruby or Python or frontend JavaScript, you can use take a project that's...